The Illustrated Guide to Terrorism
Chapter 1: What Is Terrorism?
Page 16: Justifying Terror
And their historical CONTEXT helps explain why they thought all this murder and pain and suffering and grieving was a good idea.
Hand thrusting out a dagger, two stick figures stabbing a third.
It’s more than “a good idea” — it’s the right thing to do.
It’s more than “right” — it’s our holy duty.
We are the hands of God, executing his plan, fulfilling his purpose!
His will be done!
As God commands!
What, like “thou shalt not kill“?
Superhero Sicarius with a super-samech symbol on his chest
We’re the good guys!
Standing up to the bad guys!
We’re doing it all for you!
Sacrificing! To free you!
To restore your true faith!
To bring you God’s final age, a new paradise!
And what thanks do we get?
But how does that excuse MURDER?
Lone Sicarius wrestling with his thoughts
Isn’t violence justified in self-defense? Okay, then: Ours is a battle for survival!
You’re blind if you can’t see this is a life-or-death struggle for our society, for our religion, our ideals, our community… our identity!
Of course bloodshed is regrettable. Unfortunately, right now it is necessary.
Jovial priestly Sicarius
Anyway, their deaths are inevitable.
I mean, if it’s God’s will…
…then it’s going to happen — no matter what!
If we weren’t doing it, God would just have someone else do it.
Cluster of Sicarii stick figures.
It’s not as if we have any alternative.
Ours isn’t a “better” way… it’s the only way.
Other points of view aren’t just wrong… they’re evil.
You can’t compromise when it’s all or nothing!
Yes, that’s a black-and-white outlook. It’s a black-and-white world! There ain’t no shades of gray in the desert sun.
Would you question the will of God? That’s precisely the kind of modern thinking that’s killing our society!
Three more Sicarii
BEEFY SICARIUS (rolling eyes)
Does each victim necessarily deserve violent death?
(And I saw this with all sincerity)
BLOND SICARIUS (reaching up)
What’s one life — or a hundred lives — compared to the age of peace?
Heck yeah the ends justify the means!
God’s kingdom is worth any sacrifice.
More stick figure Sicarii
Anyway, it’s not our fault if innocent people suffer.
It’s the bad guys’ fault, for making us do it!
“Innocent?” Please.
If they’re not with us, then they’re against us… and I didn’t see any of them at our meetings.
But we wear masks…
Ain’t no way they can be innocent.
They don’t believe as we do… they tolerate Rome and modernization…
They’re beyond redemption… barely even human!
I see no injustice, no matter how I look at it.
Self-satisfied Sicarius with a cone-shaped tassel fez.
And finally, we believe in martyrdom.
Because we’re doing God’s will, then even if we fail — even if we lose our life in the attempt — God will reward us in the next life!
Text box
No other option
No other point of view
Ends justify the means
We’re the GOOD guys
Blame the BAD guys
We’re going to see these same justifications for terrorism over and over again. The Sicarii may have been the first, but they weren’t the last.
So finally! …After ALL THAT… Did it work? Was the first terrorist movement EFFECTIVE?
OK the super-samech on his chest is absolutely amazing
This comic (and The guide to Law as well) is absolutely amazing. Thank you.
Thank you very much, Da5id!
All those arguments are the same ones nations make when getting their populace to fight a war – “we’ve tried diplomacy, this is our last resort”, “it’s your duty to your countrymen”, “we fight today so your children won’t have to fight tomorrow”, “they’re the bad guys, we’re trying to protect the world/make a better world”, “If you die, you’ll be a hero and be honored by everyone you know”.
And, with a bit less violence (so far), the arguments political parties make. “MAGA hats equal racism and there’s no reasoning with racists. ” Socialized medicine is Socialism, and there’s no reasoning with Commies.”
Sort’s wish they’d take the martyr part more seriously and die for their cause, sometimes (If no one else got hurt.)