Terrorists use violence to get their way through coercion and intimidation.


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Join the conversation! There are now 5 comments on “What is terrorism? pg 4 – Extortion
  1. GenericKen says

    This was an unfortunate page, given that the illustration on the right happened in Spain, where the OPPOSITE of the illustration on the left happened in Charlottesville.

    It wasn’t Nazis who were hit by that car, but anti-Nazi protesters. Given how hard the hard-right is trying to pin that premediated hate crime on the left, I would edit this page to identify both the victims and the perpetrator correctly.

    • “OPPOSITE of the illustration on the left happened in Charlottesville”

      Maybe? I haven’t noticed any news articles with the Charlottesville suspect claiming it was a crime of passion, not premeditated. Not that I’ve seen any that indicated it was premeditated either; I’m not American, and I admit to only having followed the broader strokes of that news coverage, and even then focusing on the larger societal aspects rather than the individual act of terror. If Charlottesville *was* premeditated, as even you yourself say in your comment, then it becomes an act of terrorism by this definition.

      So even though it was the opposite in terms of the targets, it was probably exactly like the scene on the right in terms of whether or not it was premeditated.

    • Who said the Charlottesville attack was pre-meditated? Or that it was a hate crime? It was a white guy running over a white girl wasn’t it?

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